Inventing the World as it is : Cornelia Parker on the Legacy of Alighiero Boetti's work

"We like seeing real life because it is extraordinary. Even the most boring bits can become exciting through the lens of a camera or the vitrine of a museum display case." - Cornelia Parker


In this conversation, gallery director Alma Luxembourg and artist Cornelia Parker discuss the influence of Alighiero Boetti on her work.


An excerpt of this talk is included in the publication Conversations II: Have your way with images, which also features David Campany, Linder, and John Stezaker on the use of found footage in and after the age of mechanical reproduction, as well as Joseph Kosuth and Srah Whitfield on René Magritte's Paris Years (1927-30). 


Conversation date: July 3rd, 2018. 


This video is currently unavailable.