Independent fair expands to examine overlooked Modern art

Osman Can Yerebakan, The Art Newspaper, 2022年9月7日

'[...] Luxembourg + Co. is also going for the deep cuts, focusing its presentation on Joan Miró’s lesser-known Masonite paintings of the 1930s, which he created with tar and sand on hardboard. The works are displayed on easels as a nod to the Spanish Surrealist’s attempt to “assassinate painting” with this series. To heighten the interplay between genres and materials, Miró’s works are paired with Peter Fischli’s contemporary cardboard sculptures of food cans.


Gallery partner Alma Luxembourg is among a group of dealers—many under the age of 40—on the new fair’s advisory board. She sees it as “an opportunity to engage with collectors who have so far focused on contemporary art, but would enjoy making links to similarly exciting aspects of 20th-century art using this contemporary lens”. She adds, “The fair’s galleries are looking to open up this field to a wider audience, who might have until now hesitated to think about the contemporary moment through historical precedents and vice versa.”'